Air & Water Purification
Effects of Air Pollution
Air pollution can occur due to a number of reasons, including volatile organic particulates (VOCs), pollen grains and dust and smoke particles. Certain factory emissions are also very hazardous as they make the air toxic. These emissions are injurious to human health and can lead to major diseases, such as cancer, tuberculosis, pulmonary heart disease, asthma and various types of allergies. They also cause harm to the environment.
Air Purification Methods
Several methods can be used to make air breathable and pure, including photocatalytic oxidation, titanium dioxide technology, ultraviolet germicidal irradiation and filters. Air purifiers are readily available that are energy efficient and have a long life span. They are very effective in removing airborne allergens as they use HEPA, that is, high efficiency particulate air filter, technology in them. The air purifiers are made keeping in mind certain parameters such as:
• Area to be covered
• Frequency of air changes
• Percentage of clean air delivery
• Cost and energy effectiveness
Effects of Water Pollution
Water purification has become a matter of major concern today owing to the growing menace that it poses. Water pollution is caused both naturally and as a result of irresponsible human actions. The main water pollutants are bacteria, algae, viruses and chemical substances as well as industrial and human wastes. Unless these causes are eradicated, they can lead to waterborne diseases such as diarrhea, cholera, hepatitis and typhoid.
Water Purification for Household Use
The most common method adopted for household purification of water is the reverse osmosis system, which is found in most of the portable water purifier models, the most popular brand being Aquaguard. Large water purification plants use a variety of methods such as distillation, electrodeionization, ultrafiltration and ultraviolet light, apart from reverse osmosis, to purify water for drinking. Electric purifiers and ultraviolet purifiers are some of the most commonly used water purification devices today.
Large-Scale Water Purification
Water needs to be purified for industrial use as well. Sodium carbonate is used to soften hard water, which is inappropriate for use in specific industries. Hard water has to be softened as minerals such as manganese, calcium and magnesium hamper the efficiency of large water boilers due to formation of aragonite or calcite. Water also needs to be purified for pharmaceutical uses.