How to Obtain Copies of Georgia Birth Certificates
Things You'll Need
- Request form Photo ID Processing fee
In Person
Visit the vital records office in the Georgia county in which you reside. Call the Georgia Vital Records office at 404-679-4702 if you need the mail address or telephone number of a specific county vital records office.
Complete a birth certificate request form. On the form you must provide your name, gender, race, date and place of birth, along with the names of your birth parents.
Submit the completed request form along with a $15 processing fee to the vital records office representative. If you need more than one copy, there is a $5 charge for each additional copy.
Provide a photo ID to verify your identity.
Wait to receive your birth certificate. You will receive your certificate on the same day as your office visit.
Via Mail
Visit the “Vital Records” section of the Georgia Department of Community Health website.
Complete the online “Birth Certificate Request Form.” A link to this form is located in the “Resources” section of this article.
Click the “Generate Form” button after you have entered in all of the necessary form information. Select the “Print” option to print the form.
Mail the completed form to the address below. Be sure to submit a photocopy of your photo ID with the form, along with the $15 processing fee.
Vital Records
2600 Skyland Drive, NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30319
Wait to receive your birth certificate in the mail., typically one to two weeks after you request is received by the Department of Vital Records.