Diesel Fuel Cleaning
Symptoms of Diesel Fuel Problem
The most apparent symptoms of diesel fuel problems are excess smoke coming out of your engine and a foul-smelling and sludge-filled diesel. When checked for periodic cleaning, if the fuel looks dark and hazy, it means the diesel fuel storage tank has accumulation of microorganisms. Periodic diesel fuel cleaning is the only effective solution to this problem.
For periodic cleaning, special additives are added to the diesel fuel tank. Different companies market these additives with different names. you just have to find the one that is affordable and works best on your diesel fuel storage tank.
Other Symptoms
Other symptoms which indicate that your diesel fuel storage needs cleaning are corroded injectors or clogged and slimy filters. Typically, diesel fuel filter elements should last for 1,000 hours or more, and fuel injectors should last some 15,000 hours. However, the accumulation of sludge reduces the lifespan of both filters and injectors considerably. The sludge clogs the fuel lines and filters and causes the engine to smoke.
Growth of Microorganisms
A typical diesel fuel storage problem is the accumulation of algae and other microorganisms in the fuel tank. Microorganisms form sludge and block the fuel lines coming in and out of the fuel tank. The sludge also degrades the quality of the fuel considerably. Also, their presence releases corrosive acids that cause the fuel tank to corrode, thereby causing seepage of diesel. Since microorganisms bring a number of problems, it’s very important to add special additives during fuel cleaning.
Accumulation of Wax
At low temperatures, there is also a risk of wax or paraffin plugging the diesel fuel lines. Wax or paraffin is a part of the diesel lines, and at low temperatures, the paraffin solidifies to clog the fuel lines. Periodic maintenance of the diesel fuel tank is the only solution to tackle this problem of wax plugging of the fuel lines.
Diesel Fuel Cleaning
The addition of additives is the only way to get rid of the diesel fuel problems. However, finding the right additive for diesel fuel cleaning can be a problem because frequent addition of biocides can increase the worries of diesel fuel storage rather than decreasing them. You should find an additive that removes the bio film on the diesel fuel tank without inhibiting the fuel quality.