Florida CNA Certification Renewal Requirements
Verification of Employment
To maintain valid credentials, Florida CNAs are required primarily to show that they have been working and maintaining a good record over the time since their last renewal. Renewal forms are sent out 120 days before certification expiration (all licenses expire on the same date, which is December 31 of the odd or even year depending on date of first license). Renewal forms will request that the CNA simply list their place of paid employment. The CNA does not have to be employed for the entire period since the license expired, but must be employed at least part of the time since expiration. Work forms, pay stubs and copies of prior certifications are not necessary for license renewal.
Completion of Renewal Form
All renewal forms are collected and filed by the Florida Nursing Aide registry to keep track of all licensed CNAs. The CNA is required to update any information that the registry requires. If the CNA has changed employment or lost employment, this must be documented. If a CNA does not receive the renewal postcard in the mail by mid-October of the renewal year because of an address change, the person must call 850-488-0595 or visit www.flhealthsource.com to get the forms and change the address in the database.
Fee Payment and Penalties
The fee for a certification renewal is $55 and must be received by midnight on December 31. The CNA can also request a duplicate certification at $25 each. If the CNA fails to submit the form and fee, the certification will immediately expire and the CNA will not be allowed to work. In order to obtain valid credentials after the expiration, the CNA must pay an additional $105 late fee with the form and submit by the time of the next renewal (December 31 two years later). If the late fee is not received by that date, the certification becomes null and void and the CNA will have to take all certification exams over again.