Georgia Pocket Knife Law

Pocket knife law is fairly unchanging across the country because they are able to be carried by minors. However, some states do have varying definitions of pocket knives.
  1. Blade Limits

    • Generally it is safe to assume that any blade less than 3 and 1/2 inches is legal even if it locks. However, in Atlanta City blade size is limited to three inches and any locking blade-even on a multi-tool-is considered illegal. Butterfly knifes are also illegal across the state.


    • Any spring-opened blade (switch knife) or blade that can be swung open using gravity or centrifugal force is illegal in Georgia-and for that matter most other states. Again, in Atlanta a blade lock is considered a mechanism therefore any blade that locks is illegal.

    Additional Limitations

    • You cannot carry throwing knifes or stars, cleavers--even if less than three inches, or any blade that produces a projectile in Georgia.

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