How to Get Licensed in NY to Operate an Assisted Living Center

Assistant Living facilities need to be licensed in order to operate in the state of New York. Licensing your assistant living facility ensures that you are up to the state of New York's standards and codes. Running an assisted living facility lets you help people who can no longer live completely independent lives. Following the state of New York's regulations ensures that you have a safe facility for your individuals that you work with.

Things You'll Need

  • Fire safety plan
  • Employee information such as job descriptions and job trainings
  • Personal information about anyone who resides in the facility
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    • 1

      Get a copy of the license application packet from the NY Department of Health Division of Home and Community based care. You can download a copy of the assisted living facility license form from their website at or you can stop into a Department of Health Division Home and Community-based office and pick the form up.

    • 2

      Fill the licensing application out completely. The license requires the facility name and the head of the facility's name. It will require the number of beds that you plan to be licensed for. It also requires the names of the individuals that you currently serve and their personal information. The application requires that you state the purpose of the group home.

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      Design a floor plan and a fire safety escape plan. Attach this to your application along with the times of your last three fire drills. Have this plan approved by your area agency case worker. Describe how you are fire-safety compliant and attach this to the license.

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      Attach the job descriptions of everyone who works at this facility. Attach all trainings that they have attended and make sure their trainings are current with New York state standards. Submit the Administrator and new staff qualifications also. Submit a copy of your staffing schedule.

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      Describe the service program including your activity programs and your levels of care at your assisted living facility. Attach this to the license as well.

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      Send a copy of your assisted facility license application to the New York Department of Health Division of Home and Community-based care. The state department will contact you and let you know when they will come to tour your facility and examine your books. Your books will need to be up to state standards and you will need to be in compliance in order to be licensed.

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      Attend the licensing appointment with the state. The licensing appointment with the state will take between two and four hours. The licenser will walk through your facility and look at your books. They will then write up a statement of anything that you need to correct at your facility. Once this is done the state of New York will send you a license for your assisted living facility. This license will need to be renewed yearly.

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