How to Make Scrub Skull Caps

Do-rags have been around for many years. Early Americans tied bandanas on their heads for protection. Do-rags gained widespread acceptance as fashion statements during the era of World War II and "Rosie the Riveter." Today do-rags have evolved into scrub skull caps and have regained popularity among doctors, nurses, and chemotherapy patients. A vital part of the uniform, scrub skull caps form a distinct shape. They are not merely a fashion statement, but act as a barrier against bacteria. Buying these caps can be expensive, but with a few basic sewing skills, it is possible to have a large variety.

Things You'll Need

  • 1/2 yard 100 percent preshrunk cotton fabric
  • Sewing machine
  • Scissors
  • Cotton thread
  • Pins
  • 10-inch dinner plate
  • Tracing paper
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    • 1

      Use a 10-inch dinner plate to transfer a circle onto tracing paper for a pattern. Fold the paper circle in half, and cut the circle along the folded line. There are now two semi-circular pattern pieces. Label them A and B. Trace one rectangle pattern piece 18 inches long by 5 inches wide. Label it C. Trace one pattern piece 24 inches long by 4 inches wide for the band. Label it D. Pin the pattern pieces on the fabric.

    • 2

      Cut out two semi-circular pieces (A and B) from fabric. These will form the sidepieces of the skull cap. Cut out one rectangular piece (C) from fabric that is 18 inches long by 5 inches wide. This will form the top of the scrub skull cap. Cut out one piece of fabric (D) that is 24 inches long by 4 inches wide. This will form the band and ties.

    • 3

      Pin the rounded edge of pieces (A) and (B) to each long side of the rectangle (C) matching right sides together. Sew the pinned edge of each semi-circular piece using a 5/8-inch flat felled seam.

      Flat felled seam: Press the seam open. Trim down 1/2 of the right seam edge. Tuck the wider left edge of the seam over the smaller edge and stitch along the folded edge. This technique makes the seam stronger and encapsulates the raw edge, preventing unraveling. A rough looking cap shape will appear. Hem the lower edge of the cap.

    • 4

      Fold the band in half lengthwise, with right sides together. Sew a seam down the length of the band using a 1/2-inch seam. Turn right side out and press, leaving the seam in the center. Turn the ends under enough to remove the raw edges. Stitch closed. Now center the band on the cap. Pin the band to the edge of the cap and stitch down both sides. Stitch from one end of the cap edge to the other.

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