Abbott Pharmaceutical Grants
About Abbott
Abbott Laboratories was founded in 1888 on the principal of developing better medications. Historically, Abbott has supported development of medication and health care products and with the Abbott Fund, they have moved into funding grants for community health improvement. In 2009 Abbott spent $2.9 billion for research and development, according to their website. Though most recognized for the pharmaceutical division, Abbott's other divisions include: Diagnostic Products, Nutritional Products and Vascular Products.
Abbott Grant Requests
Apply for grants by completing an online application from Abbott Pharmaceutical Product Division. This is done through Abbott's Grant Management System at This site lists primary and secondary "areas of interest" in which Abbott is seeking to offer grants. Though not exclusive to this list, grants requested online can be medical and non-medical in nature. After submission, the status of the grant application may be checked online. After reviewing the grant request, Abbott makes a determination and notifies applicants. If the grant is approved, a grant "end date" will be provided.
Abbott Fund
Pursue grants from Abbott Fund that have a narrower focus. Abbott Fund, a division of Abbott Laboratories, specializes in grants in four areas: global AIDS, improving access to care, scientific innovation and community health. According to the Abbott website, $29 million in funds were granted in 2009. Those wishing to request a grant through Abbott Fund must meet eligibility criteria first and submit the request online under one of the four areas. Abbott Fund notifies applicants of its decision via email approximately six to eight weeks after submission.