How to Find Out How Good a Hospital Is
Become a member of Consumer Reports. Enter the city and/or state where you live and the Consumer Reports website rates your area hospitals. The ratings are based on several factors, including (but not limited to) patient care, treatments and technology.
View the Thomson Reuters Top Hospitals website. Thomson Reuters researches hospitals using "public data sources to help hospital and health system leaders gain an objective comparison of their performance to similar hospitals, and develop a carefully balanced plan to reach for excellence." From the website, you can research local area or nearby hospitals that have made it on to this prestigious list.
Find out what awards your local hospitals and doctors have won by visiting the American Hospital Associate website. Type your hospital's name in the "Search Box" at the top-right corner of the page. View the numerous articles on the website, too.
View your local hospital's website. Click on the "About Us" button to view special awards, press releases and news from your hospital.