Etiquette on Greeting Patients
Dress Apppropriately
The Journal of American Medical Association polled patients about how they preferred their doctors to be dressed. Sixty-five percent of the patients preferred their doctors in white coats, and over half preferred that their doctors not wear blue jeans. The study showed that patients want a doctor to dress formally. While a dress or tie is not necessary, being well groomed is.
Introduce Yourself
When a doctor enters a patient's room, he should introduce himself and explain his position. This is especially important in a hospital, where patients may be seen by several doctors without understanding who is responsible for which portion of their care. If the doctor and patient have a standing relationship, acknowledge this as well with a simple, "Hi, it's nice to see you again."
Shake Hands
As the doctor meets a patient, they should shake hands. The physical contact helps the strengthen a positive first impression and makes further physical contact during an examination more comfortable.
Ask the Patient's Name
Ask which name the patient would prefer. In an AMA poll, patients preferred to call their physicians by their title and last name ("Dr. Smith") but there were differences of opinion about which name the patients themselves would like. Ask the patient if they would like to be called by their first name or their surname and which title they would like the doctor to use
Make Eye Contact
Between charts, computers and personal communication devices, doctors sometimes need to have their attention elsewhere when seeing a patient. Start the consultation by making direct eye contact and continue to do so for as long as possible. When the doctor must check information, resume eye contact as quickly as possible afterward.