The Uses of a Computer Tomography Scanner
Diagnosing Heart Disease
A high-resolution CT scan takes a precise image of the coronary arteries and detects cardiac diseases. It reveals conditions such as narrowing of arteries or formation of fat around them. This information allows doctors to perform operations, such as a heart bypass before the onset of heart failure.
Detects Fractures
Tiny fractures in delicate areas such as bone joints are difficult to detect using normal X-ray machines. A CT scan detects them by capturing images of specific areas in multiple frames.
Diagnoses Lung Infection
CT scans detect diseases related to lung infection, such as pneumonia. A CT scan performs this task because of its ability to capture images of all materials, including air. Other types of scans, such as X-ray, are not able to produce images of the internal parts of the lungs.
Reveals Chest Infection
A doctor may use a CT scan of the chest as further investigation after results from normal X-ray scan. A CT scan clarifies the condition of the chest by showing a sharper image of organs, such as lymph nodes.
Shows Cancer Progression
Doctors study the progression of cancer in patients by taking images of tumors in various parts of the body. They study the computer tomography images on a regular basis in the course of cancer treatment to find out if the treatment is working.
Scans the Brain
The brain is one of the most delicate organs in the human body. Brain damage often causes death when it is not detected in time. A CT scan identifies bleeding, blood clots, tumors and skull fractures. It also gives a precise indication of the level of brain activity and enables doctors make appropriate decisions when dealing with conditions, such as a coma.
Quick Detections
CT scans have gained popularity in the medical field because they have eased the process of diagnosis especially in emergency situations. Because a CT image is developed instantly, it allows quick detection of internal injuries, which can save lives.