How to Find a Doctors NPI Number

The NPI (National Provider Identifier) Registry is a large database that contains the HIPAA-identifying numbers of medical professionals. All doctors that are HIPAA compliant must have a unique NPI number that is searchable in a public directory. Checking your physician's NPI is a good way to verify that he follows the HIPAA act of patient privacy. The information in the NPI database is accurate because it is updated daily. The NPI database is simple to use and costs nothing. You are able to search by name or organization, such as the hospital at which they work.


    • 1

      Go to the NPPES website, which is the National Plan & Provider Enumeration System.

    • 2

      Click on "Individual Provider" if you want to search by doctor's name or "Organizational Provider" if you want to search by hospital or business name.

    • 3

      Type in the doctor's name and work address, if known. You must enter data into at least one field. Click "Search" to see the results.

    • 4

      Browse the list of names that will pop up. The NPI for each individual appears to the left of the name field.

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