How to Become a CPR Instructor in NYC
Acquire basic CPR certification. The best programs and most universally recognized are provided either by the American Heart Association (AHA) or are approved by the AHA. Generally speaking, it is best to attend an AHA training facility in person in order to learn the proper motions, pressures and the like in front of a trained instructor who can correct you if necessary. To find an approved training facility, visit the website of the AHA. The link is provided in the "Resources" section of this article.
After acquiring basic AHA certification, complete the AHA-approved instructor training courses. AHA provides directions for completing their course on their website. Generally, there are three parts to this process--completing a specific instructor training course, completing a discipline-specific course, and then being approved by an AHA Training Center or certified instructor.
Search for a job position as a CPR instructor in New York City. The AHA website provides a database of training and teaching facilities in New York City, and that database could also double as a job listing for people seeking to become an instructor. Furthermore, contacts gained in the process of training to become an instructor could also be used to gain insight on emerging job opportunities in the city. Generally though, as a CPR instructor certified by the AHA, you will have attained the credentials to labor anywhere in the city in that capacity. In particular, the New York City Department of Education holds a city-wide training course in which more CPR instructors are desirable.