HRSA Grants
Public Health Training Centers Grant
The purpose of the Public Health Training Centers Grant is to improve public health care workers' leadership, managerial, technical and scientific competencies. Approximately 14 grants are awarded over a five-year period for a total amount of $5.6 million. Accredited colleges, universities and health-care training schools are given priority to receive the grant. Schools that have not before applied for the grant as well as schools with a focus on health care that want to continue to receive funds from the project are eligible to apply. The grant program begins September 2010 and is anticipated to end August 2015. Interested public health-care training organizations or facilities should contact the Human Resources and Services Administration at 301-443-6864 to apply for the grant.
Equipment Grants to Centers of Excellence
Equipment Grants to Centers of Excellence are designed to help fund the costs of purchasing equipment for public health-care training facilities. An estimated 200 grants are expected to be awarded through late 2010. The grant program starts September 2010 and ends in or near August 2011. Each award is in the sum of $250,000, for a grand total award amount of $50 million. Grant applicants must submit documentation that validates their need for training equipment as well as the type of equipment to be purchased. Applications must explain how the equipment improves or strengthens educational goals of the stated health-care training program. Detailed budgets must be submitted with grant applications. Interested public health-care training organizations or facilities should contact the Division of Diversity and Interdisciplinary Education at 301-443-3043 to apply for the grant.
Knowledge to Practice Grant
The Knowledge of Practice Grant was created to help improve health-care professionals' leadership skills through distance learning, research, technology and educational strategies. Six grant awards are expected to be awarded for an amount of $30,000 each. Total amount of the grant is $180,000. The Knowledge to Practice Grant is expected to start in July 2010 and end in June 2013. Public and private postsecondary colleges and universities that administer and provide short-term and non-degree health-care training programs are the only eligible candidates who can apply. Applicants must provide documentation to prove that their training program fills a critical Maternal and Child Health (MCH) training need. Schools should contact the Human Resources and Services Administration at 301-443-0233 to apply for the grant.