Health Fair Promotional Give Away Ideas
Kids Health Fair Giveaways
When you choose promotional items for a family or kid-friendly health fair, be sure your giveaways are child-safe. Avoid items that present choking or strangulation hazards. Beyond safety, though, consider items that kids will use and enjoy, and try to connect your choice to your business or your message. If you're focused on dental hygiene, give away brightly colored toothbrushes in animal shapes. Promote an anti-tobacco message to primary grade students with coloring or activity books. For older kids, opt for a miniature pennant sized to fit a pencil, proudly proclaiming an anti-smoking message.
Fitness-Themed Giveaways
Deliver a message about keeping fit with promo items that encourage outdoor activity. If your organization is promoting exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle, consider giving away inexpensive pedometers imprinted with your logo and the words "10,000 Steps" to encourage daily walking. Offer jump ropes with logo-printed handles as an incentive for fair visitors to sign up for a mailing list, or hand out flying disks imprinted with your organization's name to younger booth visitors.
Healthy Eating Promotions
Put the focus on a healthy diet with promotional items that help people make healthy food choices or practice new eating habits. A half-cup size scoop labeled "Healthy Portion Size" is unusual enough to stand out among the usual giveaways, attracting more visitors to your booth. Promote the 5-a-Day movement with refrigerator magnets featuring colorful vegetables and the numeral "5" or put together a hand-out of tips for including vegetables in your diet.
Brochures, Fact Sheets and Publications
Be creative in finding sources for health fair giveaway items. Many organizations offer free or very low cost publications and fact sheets to distribute at health fairs or from your office. Check the Federal Citizen Information Center website at to order brochures, fact sheets and leaflets in bulk from the federal government. The FDA provides free, reproducible PDF downloads of many fact sheets and brochures through their Office for Women's Health. National organizations such as the American Heart Association and the American Lung Association offer fact sheets and brochures for download on their websites, many of which can be ordered in bulk from Krames Patient Education at Don't forget to check the websites of major hospitals and universities for fact sheets that you can download and print.