How to Look Up Doctor Complaints
Each state has a medical board that keeps track of complaints made about doctors. Many states, including Oregon, California and Florida, allow you to search for complaints made about a doctor online. There are a few states that keep track of complaints, but don't list them on the Internet. They include Vermont, Georgia and Idaho. For these states, you'll need to look in the Yellow Pages for the state's medical board number and call them to inquire about complaints. Researching complaints made about a doctor can help you pick a medical provider who's right for you.Things You'll Need
- Doctor's license number
- Doctor's first and last name
Log on to to see a list of state medical board websites. You can find a link for many states at
Select the "Disciplinary Actions" link for your state. This will redirect you to the state's medical board website, where you can search what complaints have been made against a doctor in question and what disciplinary actions came from the complaint.
Select which year you are interested in researching. Each medical board breaks down complaints by year.
Enter the doctor's last and first name and his or her license number in the database search. This will help narrow the search. Entering the doctor's license number will also ensure you are researching the correct doctor, as some doctors may have the same first and last name. Each doctor has his or her own license number.
Click "Search" to see what formal complaints were made and what disciplinary action resulted after the complaint was made.