How to Change Bed Linens for a Patient
Things You'll Need
- Clean linens
- Dirty linen cart or bag
- Gloves
Removing Linens
Put on gloves and have a linen cart or bag close at hand. Have an assistant available to help maneuver your patient during linen change.
Begin at the head of the bed. Gently remove the pillow from beneath the patient's head. Remove the top sheet and blanket from the patient. Remove the soiled pillow sheet and discard all soiled linen into the linen bag. Set the pillow aside on a clean surface.
Pull the bed sheets free from the top and bottom corners of the bed on the side nearest you. Ask your assistant to carefully roll the patient onto his side so he is facing your assistant. Roll the sheet until it touches the patient and you cannot roll it anymore. Have your assistant gently place the patient onto his back.
Roll the patient onto his opposite side so he is now facing you and has exposed the rolled sheet. Ask your assistant to remove the bed sheet from the bed and place it in the linen bag.
Replacing Linens
Ask your assistant to roll the patient onto his side so he is facing her. Place clean linens lengthwise on the bed and open the fold. Roll one half of the sheet against the patient. Lower the patient onto his back, ensuring that he is not lying on the rolled end of the sheet.
Roll the patient onto his side so he is now facing you and has exposed the rolled end of the sheet. Ask your assistant to grasp the sheet and unroll it. Ensure the sheet is spread evenly over the entire mattress and that there are no lumps or bunches in the sheets.
Lower your patient onto his back. Tuck the corners of the sheet as appropriate. Fit the pillow with a clean pillowcase and readjust it behind the patient's head. Cover the patient with a clean top sheet and blanket as appropriate.