Nylon Hair Net Safety
Nylon hair nets consist of woven nylon mesh in the shape of a cap. They are held in place by an elastic headband and are lightweight, so they stay in place easily. Holes in the mesh are typically 1/4-inch-wide or less.
Nylon hair nets are also available for beard coverage. Beard nets are specially made for the lower half of the face, with an elastic band that wraps around the head.
The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) doesn't require the use of hair nets around machinery, according to Florida International University. However, employers should require employees with long hair to wear the nets if there is potential for hair to get caught in a machine's moving parts, per OSHA publication 2095.
Hair net allergies
For decades, doctors have noted nylon hair nets could cause dermatitis, a skin infection, on the upper forehead, hairline and nape. Today, in older people, cases of dermatitis persist, possibly due to the elastic band and chemicals on the nylon that come in contact with skin, according to Stevens' Trichology, hair and scalp experts.
One hundred percent nylon hair nets are flame-resistant for increased safety. Nylon hair nets are a good alternative to latex, to which some people are allergic.