How to Get HSA Reimbursements
Things You'll Need
- Claim form
- Expense details
Verify HSA expense reimbursement requirements. Your HSA expense account may be subject to requirements or restrictions, so read your health care and/or group health plan carefully.
Calculate the amount of money that is payable to you. Use an HSA expense calculator to help you calculate the complete claim amount.
Download a HSA Expense Reimbursement Request form. Provide contact information and expense details including dates of service, expense amount and name. Declare that you’ve meet the eligibility requirements and that all expenses qualify as out-of-pocket expenses.
Sign and date the form. As you complete the form, be aware that reimbursements are normally made within a specified time.
Submit your benefit claim by mail. Mail the claim form to the address provided. Failure to do so could lead to processing delays.