What Is Sodium Acetate Used For?
Medical Use
Sodium acetate is used for IVs to restore sodium to the blood. Sodium acetate can serve as a form of sodium for intravenous use, when doctors need to prevent or manage hyponatremia, the condition of having low sodium in the blood. It is also used in certain combinations for use with renal dialysis.
Food Preparation Use
Sodium acetate is found in many food products for flavor. Sodium acetate can give salt and vinegar chips their flavor, while also acting as a preservative. The food industry also uses it to improve the flavor of meat and poultry. During food processing, sodium acetate also helps regulate some of the pH levels in certain food products. It has even been said to reduce the risk of hangover when added to alcoholic products.
Cosmetic Use
Sodium acetate is found in many cosmetic products. In the health and beauty industry, sodium acetate is used to make soap and a variety of cosmetic products. This is due to its good buffering and neutralizing components.
It's in the Water
Sodium acetate is now being used for water treatment. More recently, sodium acetate is being used for water treatment, as opposed to the less environmentally-friendly methanol.
Textile Use
Sodium acetate removes calcium from fabric, lengthening its life. The textile industry has a lot of use for sodium acetate as it is able to remove calcium salts, which then lengthens the life of the finished fabric.