Why My Doctors Won't Release All My Medical Records
Lack of Proper Authorization
A health care provider will only release medical records if the patient has signed an authorization.
Patient Still Receiving Care
Health care providers will not release medical records while a patient is still being treated because it presents an incomplete picture of the patient's medical history.
Incomplete Record
It often takes a few days after treatment for a patient's record to be completed. A health care provider will not release a patient's medical record until it contains all reports and signatures.
Harmful to Patient
Information that may be harmful to a patient, such as psychiatric or drug rehabilitation notes, is not required to be released unless instructed to do so by a court of law.
No Longer Available
Health care providers are required to keep patient information for a set period of time, but not indefinitely. The amount of time varies by state law. A patient's record past required retention may have been disposed of and no longer available.