How to be an Advocate for an Elderly Patient
Have you ever felt like a patient was getting the short end of the stick. If your a caregiver, there will be times where the patient may need you to stick up for their rights. Remember that is a big reason that you are there, to protect the patients you care for.Things You'll Need
- A desire to see patients treated fairly
Speak up for your patient. If your patient isn't getting their medication, or other needed necessities, you need to speak up. If your a CNA, your suppose to report problems to your charge nurse. If the charge nurse is the one at fault, go to the next in command.
Don't be intimidated. If one of your superiors is at fault, don't let them scare you from telling someone. You as a caregiver, are just as much at fault if you don't report any wrong-doings. Remember your mission is to care for your patient, and caring for your patient means protecting them.
Contact the right people. If you want to report a problem anonymously, then contact the OMBUDSMAN, this is the patient advocate. If the patient needs clothes, contact the social service person in your facility. Know who to talk to, this way you are assured success when your patient needs your help.