Health Care Training and Education
Bachelors in Nursing (BSN)
BSN is a four-year program, though applicants can be admitted to a one- or two-year accelerated program depending on their level of education and professional experience in any other field of education. A BSN degree qualifies you to pursue a career as a registered nurse at hospitals and other medical management areas including nursing homes and health care clinics.
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN)
Applicants to the LPN program must have a foundational nursing certificate or a bachelor's degree in nursing from a state educational institution, community or vocational college. An LPN degree equips you to work in hospitals and clinics under the supervision of registered nurses and physicians. LPN's are qualified to provide basic bedside care, which includes recording vitals signs and giving injections.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapy degrees include massage therapy, health care, fitness training, occupational therapy and respiratory therapy. A physical therapy degree qualifies you to work in hospitals, clinics and homes, providing assistance to patients with physical disabilities and pain.
Health Care Management
The umbrella term of health care management stands for business and managerial education and training in fields of medical billing, coding and medical administrative services. It also includes professional and advanced public health care management education.
Health Care Nutrition
This educational stream is known as holistic health. This means that health care and management requires treatment of the entire body system and not just one part. Holistic health encompasses degrees in dietary management and nutrition, early childhood education and, holistic therapy and spa treatments, and massage therapy.