How to Find My Physician's NPI Number
Things You'll Need
- Web browser
- Medical provider information
Open the “National Plan and Provider Enumeration System” search page at
Click the “Search the NPI Registry” link. This will open the “NPI Registry Search Home" page. Both individual providers and organizations like medical practices can have NPIs. Click either the “Individual Provider” or “Organizational Provider” link to open the “NPI Registry Search” page.
Fill in at least one field on the search form. Note that if you select the state field, you must fill in another field as well. If you are unsure of the spelling of a search term, you may use a wild card search. To enter a wild card search, fill in at least two characters of the search term, followed by an asterisk (*). For example, filling in the "Provider Last Name" field with "Sm**" will find providers whose last name starts with "Sm", like "Smith" or "Smythe".
Click “Search”. The page will display your search results. Click the NPI number for any listed result to see more information about that provider.