How to Prepare for a 3D Ultrasound
Ask the ultrasound facility about any special preparations you should make prior to your 3-D ultrasound. While it is a fairly straightforward and safe procedure, they may recommend specific clothing or time of day that will make it you more comfortable during the procedure.
Drink a lot of water. You want to be well hydrated for the procedure as tissues are plump and easily identified.
Void your bladder prior to the appointment. While being hydrated is recommended, you don't want to have to go to the bathroom while the ultrasound is being done. The discomfort of having to urinate and holding it in may distract you from being able to enjoy the ultrasound images as they are being captured.
Bring a video camera. Most ultrasound facilities will give you a CD of the images captured, but a video camera will also capture your (and your partner's) reactions to seeing your baby. Confirm with the ultrasound technician that you can use a video camera during the procedure. Most places will not object.
Ask questions about anything you don't understand during the procedure. This will eliminate any anxiety or fears that may develop from simply not knowing what is happening. This is supposed to be a joyous time, so squelch anything that creates worry.