How to List Medical Equipment
List the medical equipment in alphabetical order. The equipment that starts with the letter "a" will come first in the list, followed by the equipment beginning with "b" and so on. If some equipment starts with the same letter, then the second letter of each word determines which word comes first. An organized, professional list is created with this technique.
Put medical equipment in groups based on each one's use, as stated by Place all of the medical equipment that is used for medical imaging (x-rays) in one list and all of the equipment used for drawing blood samples from a patient in a different list. Do this for all of the types of medical equipment that you are listing.
Construct a list of medical equipment based on brand. Many brands of medical tools are available, and some hospitals and doctors' offices only purchase certain brands. By grouping by brand, you can find the equipment and the brand you are looking for. If you are only interested in one brand, you will avoid wasting a lot of time searching through each type of equipment you desire and then looking through those types for your specific brand.
Check the price of the equipment you are dealing with. The ones that cost more money could be placed in one list, equipment in the mid-range of cost would go in another group, and the lowest-cost medical tools would be placed in a third group. This tactic is helpful for businesses selling their equipment because hospitals can purchase the items more easily--and within their budget--when they can see how much each piece of equipment costs.
Group the tools by their condition. Place all of the new and unused equipment in one list, all of the used equipment in another list, and all of the used but reconditioned equipment in a final list. This allows people to see which products are new and which are used without having to search through multiple files to find this information.