Medical Alert Information
Protecting Patients
MedicAlert serves people who have any kind of medical condition, such as diabetes, a heart condition or allergies to prescription drugs. The service keeps records of a client's medical information including medical conditions, allergies and prescriptions.
MedicAlert Emblem
Clients wear a bracelet or necklace featuring the MedicAlert emblem at all times.
First Responders
In case of an emergency where the patient is unable to speak for themselves, first responders are trained to check for any jewelry featuring the MedicAlert emblem.
MedicAlert Response
When contacted by first responders, MedicAlert gives them the client's medical information. This allows for proper assessment by medical responders and prevents tragic situations where medicine or treatment is administered that may be dangerous to the patient due to conditions or allergies.
The MedicAlert Foundation was created in 1956 by a doctor and is the only not-for-profit medical information service available. They serve over four million people around the world.
As of December 2009, the initial set-up cost to become a member was $12.95 along with a basic yearly membership fee of $27.00.