How to Use a Medline Sphygmometer
Things You'll Need
- Medline sphygmometer
- Stethoscope
Using a Medline Sphygmometer
Select the proper size Medline sphygmometer and apply it to the upper arm just above the elbow. There is a guide on the inside of the cuff that will clearly show you the proper placement and whether or not you have the proper size. A strip of Velcro will keep the cuff in place until the procedure is complete.
Put on the stethoscope and firmly apply the diaphragm to the inside of the elbow above the brachial artery with your left hand. Finding the pulse on the inside of the elbow will tell you exactly where the artery is.
Inflate the cuff to 180 mmHg by pumping the bulb with your right hand. This should completely occlude the blood flow in the arm. Make sure the air release valve is closed or the cuff will not inflate. Remember right is tight and left is loose.
Carefully open the air release valve to slowly deflate the cuff and watch the gauge carefully. When the pressure drops to a point where blood flow is no longer occluded you will hear through the stethoscope a pounding or "whooshing" sound indicating that the blood flow has returned. The pressure at which the sound starts is the systolic blood pressure.
Continue to slowly deflate the cuff until the pounding sound is no longer audible. The pressure at which the sound stops is the diastolic blood pressure. Remove the sphygmometer and record the blood pressure.