What Type of Doctors Specialize in Foot Care?
What Podiatrists Do
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Occupational Outlook Handbook, podiatrists diagnose and treat disorders, diseases and injuries of the foot and lower leg. Podiatrists can prescribe drugs and physical therapy, set fractures, perform surgery, fit corrective shoe inserts (orthotics), design plaster casts to correct deformities, and design custom-made shoes.
Podiatrists attend a four-year podiatric medical school that provides intense focus on conditions of the foot and ankle and receive the degree of doctor of podiatric medicine (DPM).
Some podiatrists choose to become foot and ankle surgeons and do a post-graduate residency in podiatric medicine and surgery approved by the Council on Podiatric Medical Education.
In the U.S, each state has its own licensing requirements for podiatrists.
A podiatrist is a medical specialist you should consider seeing if you have foot problems not being adequately addressed by your general physician.