Surgical Mask Safety
A surgical mask is worn over the mouth and nose to prevent the spread of germs. The surgical mask consists of three layers: the inner layer absorbs water, the middle layer is a cotton filter and the outside layer is resistant to water.
Surgical masks are used in a variety of settings, with the common goal of preventing the spread of infection. Medical professionals commonly wear surgical masks inside a medical setting to not only protect themselves from infection, but also to protect patients. Surgical masks are sometimes worn by individuals in public places during flu season.
Although all surgical masks are nearly identical, they are offered in different sizes. You should choose a surgical mask size that fits your face properly, offering a snug fit against the face for the effective use in protecting against transmitting germs.
Proper Use
To achieve the full effectiveness of a surgical mask, there are certain procedures that need to be followed when wearing the mask. While wearing the surgical mask, do not lift it or remove it from your face. If at any time the inside of the mask becomes exposed to outside air or becomes wet or dirty, the surgical mask should be replaced immediately.
Surgical masks are intended for single use only. Once the surgical mask has been removed, it should be disposed of and a new mask should be applied. Reapplying a used surgical mask increases the spread of germs and infection.