How to Collect Blood From the Femoral Artery
Things You'll Need
- Sectioned phlebotomy tray
- Blood collection tubes
- Collection needles of various gauges
- Needle holder/adapters
- Alcohol swabs
- Cotton or gauze squares
- Adhesive bandages
- Surgical tape
- Gloves (latex or vinyl)
- Portable, single-use warming pads
- Sharps disposal container
- Examination table
Put on your gloves and instruct the patient to lie down on the examination table. Set up your phlebotomy tray with the needed supplies.
Have the patient spread their legs as wide as comfortable, and search for the femoral artery. If needed, lightly warm the area with a portable, single-use warming pad.
Clean the site thoroughly with an alcohol swab. While the site is drying, open a new needle, needle holder and adapter if necessary, and assemble the collection device.
Insert the needle into the femoral artery and begin to collect blood. Instruct the patient to breathe normally.
When the tube(s) is/are filled, place gauze or cotton over the needle site as you remove the needle. Place firm pressure on the site for several minutes.
Check for bleeding before applying a bandage or cotton square with surgical tape. Instruct the patient to avoid heavy lifting or vigorous activity for about 24 hours.
Dispose of the needle in Sharps container, label blood collection tube and bring to lab.