Simple Facts About Cardiology & Cardiologists
The prefix "cardio-" means heart; the word comes from the Greek "kardia," also meaning heart.
In 1628, English doctor William Harvey published his examinations of the heart and circulatory system. The development of technology such as the stethoscope in the 19th century and electrocardiography in the 20th century have facilitated progress in cardiology.
Cardiologists treat diseases such as heart failure, hypertension (high blood pressure), arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) and coronary heart disease.
Cardiologists are required to complete extensive training, including medical school, at least three years of residency, the successful completion of an exam, and at least three years of cardiology training.
Many cardiologists specialize in certain areas of cardiology, such as interventional cardiology, echocardiography or electrophysiology.