Interview Questions for a Doctor
Developing a list of questions to ask a doctor whom you are considering as your primary physician is a straightforward process. Asking about background information such as education, specialty training, board certification and years of experience is a good place to start. Ask questions about the doctor's preferred clinical focus--does she focus only on one type of patient, such as diabetics? It is also important to discover the doctor's underlying beliefs about prevention. Although you will rely on the doctor to care for you when you are sick, you also want a physician who has some preventive strategies to keep you in good health over the long term.
Develop some questions about administrative issues, such as payment and billing, scheduling preferences and the doctor's availability outside of office hours. Could you e-mail him if you have a problem? Questions about the other staff in the office can also be important. If your doctor is busy, is there another doctor, a physician assistant or a nurse practitioner in the practice who could see you?
Create some questions about health information resources. Does the doctor have time to answer a lot of questions whenever you have an appointment? How does he feel about health information on the Internet? Would he help you understand materials you bring with you to your appointment?
Determine a solid set of interview questions to help you decide if this is the doctor for you.