Tools Used by Phlebotomists
Personal Protective Equipment
Some of the most important pieces of equipment phlebotomists use include personal protective equipment (PPE). PPE protects the phlebotomist and the patient from transmitting communicable diseases and infections such as vinyl or latex gloves, face masks, disposable lab gowns and head coverings.
Lab Furniture
Phlebotomists also use specialized equipment in exam rooms to make patients comfortable and safe while they are collecting blood or other samples. These special pieces of furniture include blood-drawing chairs with padded, flip-up armrests and adjustable exam tables.
Venipuncture Supplies
One of the main duties of a phlebotomist is to collect blood samples from a patient's vein (venipuncture). Venipuncture equipment includes a tourniquet, skin disinfectant, blood collection needle and needle holders, tubes in which to collect the blood, cotton squares, gauze, bandaging materials and a compartmentalized tray to hold supplies securely.
Equipment for Special Collections
There are certain blood collections that require special equipment. Capillary blood collection requires a lancet and capillary tubes to collect the blood. Infant blood collection requires a warming mechanism for the baby foot, and special, child-sized lancets and collection tubes.
Other Lab Tests
Phlebotomists might also be involved with collecting other samples from patients for lab tests. Urinalysis is a common example. Equipment would include urine collection cups and printed instruction sheets handed to the patient.