What Is a Nursing Concept Care Map?

A nursing concept map is a tool often used by nursing students to show relationships among diseases, potential health problems, goals and interventions. It has the same basic elements of a care plan but lays out the information in a visual manner.
    • Concep Map

    Problem Identification

    • A concept map begins with the main health issue and identifies the potential or actual problems associated with that concern, allowing nurses to see the overall picture laid out in front of them.


    • The potential or actual risks are supported with evidence including lab values and nurse observations. Nurses then write diagnoses, formulate goals and design interventions based on the problems identified.

    Creating the Map

    • Concept maps can be created using special software, word processing programs or just a pen and paper. The format allows for creativity, including the use of different shapes and colors to designate different categories.


    • Concept maps are especially beneficial to nursing students because all the information is broken down and presented on a single page, providing an overall perspective on the patient's health and well-being.


    • A concept map contains only the very basic information about the patient and the illness, and it doesn't allow for as much in-depth treatment planning as an actual care plan.

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