Pro-Cloning Facts
Cloning Techniques
Cloning techniques are similar in nature as those used during in-vitro fertilization procedures. After a human egg is fertilized and begins to multiply, the egg zygote is separated at the two-cell stage. The result is two fertilized organisms instead of only one. This is beneficial because many women undergoing fertilization treatments are only able to produce one egg over a period of time. Creating multiple eggs using cloning techniques increases the woman's chances of becoming pregnant. Fertility studies will greatly benefit from cloning research.
Individual Human Beings
Many misconceptions in the media portray cloned humans as soulless organ donors without consciousness or other human traits. But clones would be just as human as any other human being. Children that are conceived using in-vitro techniques are just as human as those conceived by natural means. Science provides those parents who are unable to conceive on their own a way to become the parents of their own biological children. There has also been much said about cloning humans to harvest their organs for sick patients when the need arises. Scientists believe that it will be possible to clone a genetically identical individual organ for a needy patient instead of waiting for a donor. Having a genetically identical organ could reduce the likelihood of rejection in the patient, which would lead to a healthier life for the transplant patient.
Cloning and Stem Cells
Cloning is similar in nature and in purpose to stem cell research. Stem cells in adults are few, and cloning them would allow an embryo to be produced to provide the needed stem cells. Stem cell research can benefit patients suffering from diseases that include Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Degenerative diseases in general could be completely wiped out with the advent of increased stem cell research that is powered by cloning.
Human Genetics
At some point, it may be possible to use cloning to create animal organs to be genetic matches in human patients. So instead of cloning a human embryo, scientists would be able to clone an animal organ to implant into a human patient in serious need of an organ donor. Genetically identical organs decrease the likelihood of rejection in the patient, which is healthier for the patient in the long term.
Miscarriage Treatment
Many miscarriages are caused by spontaneous abortions where the body rejects the potential fetus before it has a chance to mature. The causes of this are not understood, and it is thought that cloning would help shed light on this problem. Understanding this problem may also lead to the development of new, safe and successful contraceptives.