Clinical Research Coordinator Duties & Salary

Clinical research coordinators (CRC) work as researchers on projects involving human subjects. They are responsible for the coordination, overall integrity and organization of a project, and make sure the project's quality, safety and completion schedule are correct.
  1. General Duties

    • CRCs are involved in each stage of a research project. Overall duties include scheduling tests and procedures, recruiting study participants, managing investigational devices and maintaining databases.

    Study Initiation

    • CRCs write informed consent protocol for the study and prepare the study's protocol for submission to a research review board.

    Trial Operations

    • CRCs help conduct research according to correct protocol, coordinate participant visits to the study location and dispense medicines.

    Study Closeout

    • CRCs collect and store data, ensure document accuracy, and then report the information to the study sponsor using trial protocol and regulatory requirements.


    • In addition to working as clinical research coordinators, careers in this field include working as data abstractors, protocol development coordinators and RN study coordinators.


    • The starting salary is around $37,000 a year for a full-time clinical research coordinator. With experience, the salary can go as high as $68,000 per year.

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