You should extensively review laboratory normal data ranges. The NCLEX will ask you about them to determine whether you can spot a problem situation. Focus on blood gas values, according to On the test, you may need to identify abnormal lab results to determine the correct course of action.
Make flash cards to help with difficult concepts and medical terminology. In particular, it is important to understand the medical terms used on the test. Repetitive learning is easier when you quiz yourself with the cards. You can make your own, emphasizing areas where you have difficulty, or you can buy a set of flash cards. Keep the cards with you and pull them out when you have free time, such as during your commute.
To study the more difficult concepts that can't be contained on flash cards, make a feasible schedule. You are more likely to study if you set aside specific time for it. If you stick to your schedule, you won't feel guilty taking study breaks to refresh yourself.
Because the NCLEX is based upon textbook knowledge, always assume the answer is something you learned in school rather than in clinical practice.
Taking the Exam
Know your route to the test-taking location and lay out all materials you need the night before the test. On the day of the test, bring a watch so you can monitor your progress. You may take as long as five hours to complete the exam.
Wear layered clothing so you can concentrate no matter the room's temperature. Make sure you bring your identification with you; testing centers require two forms of ID. If you've recently married and changed your name, you may also consider bringing your marriage certificate to avoid potential problems.
Do not significantly change your hair color or facial hair before the exam. Your appearance must match that of your application photo. Also, you must provide a thumbprint to verify identification.
Exam Facts
Though the test is administered by computer, you do not have to be computer-literate to take it. Only two keys are used---the space bar and the return. The test is interactive; questions are chosen based upon your answers to previous ones.
The minimum number of questions on the RN test is 75. For LPNs it is 85. You continue to answer questions until the computer determines your competence. Therefore, an RN candidate may answer as many as 265 questions; an LPN, 205. There is no penalty for making an informed guess.
Your state's Board of Nursing will mail you the NCLEX results, usually within a month. If you fail, you can retake the test after 91 days. The failure notice will include information on weak topic areas to help you do better next time.