How to Write an Appeal for Disability
Things You'll Need
- Copy of your original application for benefits
- Copy of denial letter (including all pertinent insurance information, case number and contact information)
- Medical documentation, including letters from physicians
Read your denial letter carefully. If your reason for denial was lack of medical proof, obtain that proof and include relevant documentation with your appeal letter.
Make sure your doctor knows you are applying for disability benefits and ask her assistance. Ask her to write you a letter of recommendation for disability. If you are truly disabled and unable to work, your doctor will know this better than anyone will and should not hesitate to assist you.
Compile your documentation, and begin to write your appeal letter. It should begin with all the pertinent information, such as your name, the case number, etc. Make sure that when you write your reason for appeal you are as clear, concise and honest as possible.
Make sure you have all your pertinent information together and copies of relevant documents included with your appeal before you mail it off.
Be patient while waiting for a response, as it may take from 30 to 45 days. Document any contact you have with the appeals department.
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