How to Check the Qualifications of a Doctor
Things You'll Need
- Computer
- Internet access
- Doctor's name
Type in the url address bar, "" This will take you to the American Board of Medical Specialties. On the left hand side click on, "Is your doctor certified."
Register as a new user. Scroll down to the bottom of the page. Click "register" under new users.
Fill in the radio option that best describes you. For instance, if you are checking a doctor qualification for personal use, then fill in the first radio button that reads, "I am verifying physician's credentials for my own personal use, or for a family member." Click "continue" to proceed to registration page.
Fill out all five fields for the login information. Input your correct email address because you will be sent an email to activate your free account. Create your own unique password. Your password must be a minimum of six characters. Read the terms of use. If you agree, click "I agree."
Activate your account. Retrieve the email sent to you and click on the link to activate your account.
Login to your account. Input your email address and the unique password that you established. Click "login."
Input the physician information. Put in the physician last name; this is a required field. All the other fields are optional; however, the more information you put in on the physician the narrower and easier your search will be. For best results put in the doctor last name, city and state. Click on the "search" button.
Click on the doctor name on the search results page. It will be highlighted in blue. You will see the doctor's qualifications. This search also work for international countries as well.