Facts About Therapists
Mental health therapists provide a non-judgmental atmosphere so that clients can increase self awareness, bring about emotional healing and help facilitate relational growth. They uphold a high level of ethical standards, especially in the area of confidentiality so that clients feel safe and secure in the therapy environment. Therapists must have a master's degree or doctorate to practice clinically in the field.-
According to the American Psychological Association, therapists must be licensed by the state in which they practice therapy.
The 2007 APA Doctorate Employment Survey found that new doctorates entering the psychology field have a median starting salary of $60,000.
The code of conduct for psychologists maintains that therapists have an obligation to uphold confidentiality, with the exception of a few circumstances. Therapists are mandated reporters and must report suspected child, elder and dependent abuse. If a therapist feels that the client may be suicidal or homicidal, they are also mandated by law to report that.
Approximately 5 million people seek help from Marriage & Family Therapists annually.
Informed Consent
Therapists are ethically required to have clients sign an informed consent sheet at the beginning of the first therapy session. This explains all of the necessary aspects of treatment including fees, limits to confidentiality and other details of treatment. This also gives the client an opportunity to ask questions.