What Are the Benefits of Medical Tourism?
In ancient Greece, individuals traveled to Epidauria, which was considered the sanctuary of Asklepios, the god of healing. This was likely the first medical tourism destination. In 18th century England, spa towns were popular tourist destinations. Medical tourists to these spa towns believed their waters had healing powers to treat such disorders as gout, bronchitis and other conditions. The waters of Lourdes have been famous worldwide since the 1800s, drawing thousands of tourists and pilgrims annually.
Cost Savings
Many medical tourists come from industrialized countries in Europe and Asia. Their national insurance plans frequently cover the cost of their treatment, which can be obtained for less expense than in their own countries. In the United States, which has no national health plan, medical tourism is a frequent alternative for those with no insurance. Even with the costs of travel and accommodations, medical procedures are often far less expensive in foreign countries than they are for Americans who must pay for care out-of-pocket.
Increased Medical Options
Medical tourism also affords greater medical options for some individuals, who cannot receive the treatment they desire in their own countries because it is not allowed to be performed there. Others travel to medical tourism destinations to avoid long waits for medical procedures in their own countries. Frequently, physicians at hospitals specializing in medical tourism have been highly trained and have received their education at well-regarded Western medical institutions. The hospitals are also frequently first-rate institutions.
Medical tourism vacations frequently are true vacations, with spa treatments and other relaxation available for recuperation. There is also the added benefit of allowing patients to see exotic parts of the world, which they might not otherwise ever be able to visit. Additionally, because of the decreased costs of treatment abroad, patients are often able to bring along family members who can aid them in their recuperation.
Medical tourism involves working out a number of details, such as obtaining visas and medical records. Many medical tourists plan their own trips, often working in cooperation with hospitals that specialize in medical tourism. Medical tourism companies can take care of many of the logistical details of planning a medical tourism trip, including working out the legal issues involving possible problems. However, as with any service, it comes at a price, and patients must exercise caution to ensure that the medical tourism firm they deal with is reputable.