The Life of a Nephrologist
Who needs a Nephrologist?
Patients who have indicators of kidney disease like blood or protein in the urine, very high blood pressure, kidney stones, renal failure or a marked reduction in renal function are usually referred to a nephrologist by another doctor following a urine test.
What does a Nephrologist do?
Nephrologists diagnose and treat kidney disease using tools such as urinalysis, biopsy, or ultrasound. Once the problem is diagnosed, treatment begins. Many kidney diseases can be treated with medicine, but renal failure requires dialysis and possibly a kidney transplant.
What Treatment Methods Do Nephrologists Use?
The best option for a nephrologist is to save the kidney, or preserve as much working kidney function as possible. Treatment depends on the patient's problem and how far the kidney disease has advanced. Medicines and dietary changes can help and possibly even reverse kidney disease in early stages. More serious cases require a combination of treatments including dialysis, where a special fluid is run in and out of the patient's abdomen to clean out toxins. In cases where the kidneys have ceased all function, transplant is usually recommended.
Does a Nephrologist perform surgery?
Nephrologists do not perform surgery, but after surgery they continue to monitor the patient to manage blood pressure, medications and deal with any complications that may arise. Specially trained surgeons called urologists perform kidney transplants. Nephrologists do perform biopsies using a long needle to extract kidney tissue samples.
How Do I Become a Nephrologist?
After graduating from an accredited medical school, a nephrologist must have training in the specialty. This includes a 3 year program in internal medicine to complete an Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME). They must also have 2 years of direct patient interaction and responsibility and pass a board exam.
How much do Nephrologists make?
The average annual salary for a nephrologist in the U.S is about $200,000, but it varies with geographical location and place of employment. The salary range runs between $150,000 and $300,000.