Fun Facts About Stem Cell Research
Contrary to popular opinion stem cells research is not done simply on embryos. Scientists obtain stem cells from a variety of areas including the placenta, amniotic fluid, adult organs, the umbilical cord and fat from liposuction. Some scientists even remove stem cells from recently deceased bodies. Each type of stem cell has a unique use for a number of different types of research.
Embryonic Stem Cells Explained
Scientists obtain embryonic stem cells by harvesting cells from recently produced living embryos. Embryonic stem cell research is the most popular because it allows for the most possibilities in new cell production and is performed with newborn cells.
Cloning Possibilities
As a result of the the stem cell's ability to change itself into any other type of cell, a great deal of stem cell research is dedicated to human cloning. What most people do not realize is that there are actually two types of human cloning: reproductive and therapeutic. Reproductive cloning is the type of cloning we usually hear about in the media and has a main goal of producing children. Therapeutic cloning, on the other hand, is cloning specifically for the purpose of scientific research. While the possibility of cloning to produce children does not yet exist, scientists hope that one day it will become a reasonable option.
Legal Considerations
The most common mistake made by most people is assuming that stem cell research is against the law. However, there are no laws that prevent stem cell research. Prior to 2009, the only regulation that was in place was one preventing the use of federal funding to support the research. However, President Obama recent reversed the ruling and now it is legal to fund stem cell research no matter where the money comes from.
Religious Considerations
Another misconception is that Christians are opposed to all types of stem cell research. Christians believe that even though lives may be saved through stem cell research, it is morally and objectively wrong because it results in the destruction of human life (the embryo). Many people do not realize that there are actually four different types of stem cell research: embryonic stem cell, embryonic germ cell, umbilical cord and adult. Christians are against the use of embryos in research because an embryo is a potential human life.