How to Transfer a CNA License to Kansas From Another State

As a certified nursing assistant in good standing with your state of licensure, you have the right to work in that state only. If you relocate and would like to become licensed in another state, you must meet that state's specific requirements. To transfer your CNA license from your current state to the state of Kansas, there are you must follow a few procedures.

Things You'll Need

  • Copy of your Social Security card
  • Copy of your driver's license
  • $20 check or money order
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      Check your present state's registry to make sure you are on it. If your name is not listed, contact your state's registry before proceeding further. Complete the interstate application from the Kansas Department of Health and Environment. Include a copy of your driver's license and Social Security card, along with a check or money order for $20, which is a non-refundable application fee.

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      Mail your application and other required items to:
      Health Occupations Credentialing, KDHE
      Signature Building
      1000 S.W. Jackson, Suite 200
      Topeka KS 66612-1365

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      You will then receive an approval to test with the date and time of your CNA test. Each state has different test requirements, so you must test in Kansas even though you have already tested in your present state. Show up on time with two forms of picture identification.

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      You may request your test results at:
      Health Occupations Credentialing, KDHE
      Curtis State Office Building
      1000 S.W. Jackson, Suite 200
      Topeka, Kansas 66612-1365

      You can also call for assistance at (785) 296-1250

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