Side Effects of Cephalexin 500 mg
Common Side Effects
According to Healthline, common (but not serious) side effects of cephalexin include headache, heartburn, gas and muscle or joint pain.
Serious Side Effects
Serious side effects, as cited by RxList, include vaginal discharge, agitation, confusion and fatigue. A patient experiencing these symptoms should consult with her physician before continuing cephalexin doses.
Severe Side Effects
According to RxList, severe side effects that require immediate medical attention include sudden fever, anemia, renal dysfunction, difficulty breathing, painful urination and yellowing of your eyes and skin.
Existing Medical Conditions
Before using cephalexin, a patient should advise his physician of existing medical conditions, such as kidney disease, colitis or allergies to medications containing penicillin.
Drug Interactions
Cephalexin has the potential to adversely interact with probenecid, a medication used to treat gout. It also may diminish the effectiveness of birth control pills. Women should use a secondary method of contraception while on cephalexin therapy.