What Is Relacore PM?
Relacore is a dietary herbal supplement, sold over the counter. The new Relacore PM is an extension of that same formula, except with the added ingredient of lemon balm, an herb intended to act as a sedative. The purpose of the product is to counteract the mild stimulant features of the original Relacore, which could make it inconvenient to take the supplement at bedtime. Both Relacore and Relacore PM include DHEA, a controversial ingredient which is supposed to lower cortisol levels in the body.
Relacore PM is intended for use daily, about an hour before going to bed. The recommended dosage is two capsules, with water. No specifications are given regarding eating anything with the dose. The makers recommend that users not exceed the use of two capsules in any 24-hour period.
Side Effects
Relacore is an herbal supplement--not medication--but it still comes with potential side effects. These side effects can include constipation, stomach problems (nausea or even vomiting), and excess gas. While uncommon, some reports of more serious side effects such as facial hair in women and sexual complications have come to light. If any of these side effects manifest, the user should discontinue their dosing of Relacore PM.
Though Relacore PM and similar products in the weight loss supplement industry have come under some criticism and scrutiny, they are currently legally available for purchase over the counter, and even online. The product does contain sedative properties, which makes it a poor choice to take during the day. As of now, the makers of the supplement offer a complete money back guarantee if the user is not completely satisfied with the results.
There are a few considerations for anyone thinking of taking Relacore PM as a weight loss supplement. The first of which is that no clinical trials have been performed showing that the product actually does what it claims, like helping the user lose belly fat. There are also several known side effects that one should be wary of. Finally, as with many herbal weight loss supplements, the FDA has not verified or analyzed the claims made by the company.