Medical Office Administrator Description
Accounting Duties
The administrator is responsible for the daily and monthly accounting for the practice. She is responsible for making sure all financial data balances for the bank deposits, petty cash and yearly budgets.
Computer Duties
The administrator is usually the liaison for the computer software that the medical group uses. Anytime there is a major problem with the software, the administrator calls the software company or assigns an employee to work with the software company to fix the problem.
Human Resources
Depending on the size of the medical practice, the administrator may also have to perform the duties of a human resources manager. This includes hiring, promoting, performance reviews and firing employees.
The administrator is responsible for overseeing, if not ordering, all purchases. Purchases can be small, like office supplies, to major purchases, like X-ray equipment. The administrator may place another employee over the ordering of small items with her pre-approval.
Flow of the Office
Where the employees sit, the physician's office locations and how the patients flow will be determined by the administrator. If an office is well planned out, all of the duties in the office will operate smoothly, and the patients coming and leaving should not interfere with the duties necessary to run the office.