Role of a Nurse in Health Care
A nurse works under the direction of the doctors in charge of each patient. She follows his orders pertaining to medications and treatments, and she helps them while performing certain procedures. She also calls or pages them if the patient's condition worsens, or if there is a problem. In all of this, she is serving that doctor and the patient, ensuring the patient is comfortable and well taken care of.
An important aspect of good nursing care is ensuring that the patients are all examined well. A full examination of the patient is taken at certain times throughout the nursing shift, depending on hospital policy. Not only does the nurse look at the patient's physical condition, she checks his overall health and makes note of any changes, either physically or emotionally. She carefully makes a care plan for each patient and carries out that plan to the fullest.
Record Keeper
Without the nurse, the doctor wouldn't know how the patient's condition was from the night before to the morning. Because she charts at specific times throughout the shift, he is able to see every detail that happened. It's vital that she chart well, including as many details as possible and making note of any medications administered or any treatments given. She also makes note of any nursing interventions carried out in the plan of care, because this, too, helps to determine how the patient's condition might be improving or declining.
Patient Advocate
The nurse is under the direction of the doctor, but she has a responsibility to patients to ensure they have the best care possible. If she notices a discrepancy of any kind, she is responsible to discuss that with the doctor. Many medical mistakes have been stopped by a well-observant nurse who was on the ball and ready with a listening ear. She can catch mistakes and can fight for that patient's rights if he isn't being properly cared for.
Patient Teacher
Most people think that nursing is strictly a medical role, but a lot of teaching goes into nursing. Not only does the nurse have to carefully observe the patient and examine him and chart any changes, she teaches the patient about his condition, about any treatments he is receiving, any medications he's receiving, and any at-home instructions. She's there to answer questions the patient may have and help him with things he may not understand. Teaching takes up a great part of the nurse's role in health care.