What Is Aderol Used to Treat?

Adderol is the vernacular name for Addarell, an amphetamine ("speed") based-drug used to treat Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) in children, narcolepsy and potentially other disorders. Adderell is a mix of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, the latter of which incorporates a sugar molecule to the amphetamine substrate, to speed absorption.
  1. Drug Physiology

    • Adderol, amphetamine, amphetamine sulfate, or 'speed', is a pyschostimulant. It releases norepinephrine and noradrenaline in the brain, delivering an effect similar to a sustained adrenaline burst.
      Effects include: increased energy, talkativeness, paranoia, decreased appetite, nervousness, trouble sleeping.
      Adderol can be habit forming, and has potential for abuse. An average dose of 40 mg equals 25 pills per gram. One-quarter-gram is enough to produce a "high". In children (often prescribed Adderol) around 3 to 7 pills a day should be considered signs of abuse.


    • Adderol can be habit forming. Amphetamine, or "speed", stimulates production of noradrenalin, a potent neurotransmitter. It creates the impression of lucid reasoning. Energy is increased, the heart beats faster and the metabolism is piqued. Pupils dilate with higher doses. Increased brain activity is measurable.

    Mixing Drugs

    • Adderol can be fatal if mixed with MAO inhibitors (isocarboxazid, "Marplan"; tranylcypromine, "Parnate"; phenelzine, "Nardil"; rasagiline, "Azilect"; or selegiline, "Eldepryl" and "Emsam".)
      The body increases production of cyclic adenosinemonophosphate (cAMP) to lower levels of the various neurotransmitters released when stimulated with Adderol. To lower cAMP the body releases phosphodieserase and prostaglandin.
      Drugs which inhibit cAMP, phosphodiesterase and prostaglandin prolong the intoxication of Adderol. This includes such household items as soda, Mountain Dew, Coca Cola, Pepsi, coffee, NSAID, iboprofen, aspirin, etc.

    When prescribed to a child

    • A child prescribed Adderol will have less appetite, be more talkative, have more anxiety without the pills, trouble sleeping, increased energy, and, if treatment endures, retarded growth. After a course of treatment with Adderol, withdrawal--mood swings, delusions, paranoia--may become evident. Prescribing a child with Adderol is akin to giving a child speed. An average dose of 40 mg, taken twice or three times a day, is 1/12 of a gram. Some medical practitioners recommend 2.5 to 5 mg for children from ages three to five.

    Last thoughts

    • Adderol (and 'Ritalin', Methylphenidate (MPH), another amphetamine-based drug) should NOT be prescribed liberally. Prescribing Adderol to children under the age of 8 is not advised.
      Only seek treatment with Adderol after all alternatives have been explored.

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